Record Keeping and Required Forms

Internal Records

The following records and documents are maintained by SET-Houston: Contingency Plan (arrangements with local authorities included), Detailed Operating Record, Waste Minimization Program, Waste Analysis Plan, Inspection Schedule, Training Documentation, a Job Title and Written Job Description for each position, and the name of each employee filling the position.

Waste Profile

Waste Profile sheets are required for each individual wastestream.

Lab Pack Inventories & Summary

Lab Pack inventories must be submitted with a Lab Pack summary form signed by the packaging agent and generator for each Lab Pack shipment.

Cylinder Profile

Cylinder Profiles must be submitted with each batch of cylinders for approval. In addition to the completed Gas Cylinder Profile, a Gas Cylinder Inspection and Evaluation Report must be completed and attached to the Profile. The Gas Cylinder Profile must be signed by the packaging agent and generator. In certain situations, pictures of cylinders are required.